Random Facts For The Day That Will Blow Your Mind

Random Facts For The Day That Will Blow Your Mind

40 Random Facts Around The World

There are countless realities in the world that we do not even know about. And some facts we deliberately forget. But some things are always remembered if understood from a certain angle. Today we are going to tell you some fun random facts that you will never forget.

1. The earth’s oldest trees were found in a cave in Siberia and are thought to date back hundreds of thousands of years.

2. An unusual crystal is made out of calcium carbonate, which was formed by volcanic reactions in Iceland. It is used as an ingredient for cheese.

3. A lake in the Himalayas, called Lake Baikal or “The Dragon Palace”, is known to hold buried treasure after it has been found in 1922. To find a piece of this treasure you must travel over 7,500 miles through difficult terrain. When you get there you will see a large stone slab with a carved dragon on top, which means your job is done.

4. Archaeologists have found evidence of Neanderthal settlements across Europe dating from around 40,000 years ago. Archeologists believe these settlements may be settlements of Neanderthals from that time, but nobody knows what they looked like.

5. There are more than 50 types of sea levels in the world due to glaciers, tides, and storms. Most parts of Greenland are covered in ice from time immemorial, and most of Antarctica is too.

6. In China, the highest peak on Earth is Xi’anjian Baoping, also known as Mt. Qomotao (Pengtang or Jade mountain), which measures 27,923 meters and is located in the Hunan Province. People live in villages on top of mountainside cliffs as far lower than their houses. If you want to go visit one such village, you will need a helicopter and money, because you can’t walk down into any town.

7. Ancient Egypt was one of the biggest civilizations before Rome. It was home to some of the earliest monuments built to show the sun's rays and the Nile River. They had other amazing structures such as the Pyramids and Luxor. Before the rise of Islam, Egyptians worshipped many gods including Isis, Osiris, Horus, Tefnut, Isis-Aphrodite, Amunet, Thoth, and Khauert.

8. According to archeologists, Egyptian tombs were the largest burial place on the planet until Roman tombs came along. Today, archaeologists are unable to excavate them due to extreme heat and dust, so not much remains except a few fragments of mummies. During their reign, they built beautiful temples.

9. Many archaeological sites in Egypt, especially the Great Sphinx, have never been excavated. Scientists think this is because the ancient people dug up the site with sharp tools and then moved away. However, a man named H.F. Hasson believes this could still happen today. He said he and his team would build underground sections of ancient homes that were previously unknown.

10. Some scientists have discovered alien life on Mars and Venus that may be living on them due to cosmic radiation. The scientists also discovered traces of extraterrestrial life in meteorites collected by NASA's Opportunity rover that landed on Mars in February.

11. The number of years a person can go on living without the use of drugs or alcohol is limitless – there are no limits.

12. When you have an IQ test, your brain doesn't look at any particular factor in your life but rather considers factors that seem like strengths to others.

13. A man can lose his mind whenever he feels depressed.

14. In Africa and South Asia, children are still playing outside their parents' houses every night for safety reasons.

15. It took about two hours for each person in our country's history to become an adult again.

16. For every 100 people on this planet, there was a baby born to them who died before they were 6 years old.

17. One in four people has never been able to finish reading.

18. Every third person in Europe has made less than $8,000 per year.

19. There are only one species of a snail on earth that eats insects that live in trees (snails) or that have a tree trunk (caterpillars).

20. If we cut off all the limbs of tigers, then we would be left with tigers.

21. A person who goes hungry will feel better if someone supplies them with something to eat.

22. An average US woman makes $50,000, a UK woman makes £25,000 (about half as much as a regular British worker), and a Kenyan woman makes $40,000.

23. People think they are going to die when they have a hangover, but actually, they just need a bit of rest – and a few minutes of good music to start with.

24. No animal ever went into hibernation until March 2016. They do it because they don't know what else to do with themselves.

25. A lion has an average lifespan of 20 years, a cheetah 15 years, a tiger 12 years, a rhinoceroses 14 years, a leopard 15 years, a warthog 15 years, and a sloth 15 years.

26. Almost one-third of all primates belong to one group or another.

27. At the moment most Americans are under 18.

28. More than 95% of all cats on UK streets are black cats, 90% of all rats on UK streets are Rottweilers and 70 % of all dogs are bulldogs.

29. Most people in Britain are not using contraception – they believe using birth control makes them immoral.

30. This is the reason why elephants cannot see at night – they must stay hidden during daylight hours.

31. Each day I hear over 100,000 children who are missing out on school each morning because of a lack of school milk.

32. On average, a child spends up to 4 hours looking for milk before losing interest in learning to read.

33. Two-thirds of the world's population lives in poverty.

34. Only 25 countries are known to have more billionaires than China.

35. A thousand elephants, which might weigh 15 tons, can travel around the globe in 40 days of time, while a human being can take almost 3 months to travel the same distance.

36. As many as 80 million elephants live in sub-Saharan Africa.

37. Of all the oceans on Earth, only three percent are freshwater – almost 95% are salty or brine.

38. 99% of elephants have been attacked for pride.

39. With a dog walking around the street, there is always a cat somewhere behind him – and sometimes worse than expected.

40. Every hour three billion trees are destroyed – I wonder how many penguins could survive this.

(So far You've read all the facts above but you know that Children spend up to 36 hours per week at school – without getting any sleep. 2. There is evidence that ADHD may occur in babies only at 9 months old. 3. After the death of an infant, it is difficult for a mother to cope with the loss of the child)

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