Facts About Rainforests For Kids | Facts For Kids

Facts About Rainforests For Kids | Facts For Kids

Facts About Rainforests For Kids

Facts About Rainforests For Kids

In this post, you will see some amazing Facts About Rainforests For Kids that are very interesting. It's not a wonder that rainforests are known to be some of the most beautiful green places on earth, but how can a little girl grow up in a forest? Well, some interesting things about the world's oldest trees and forests will give her an idea of how it all started and why we love them so much, too. So here are Facts About Rainforests For Kids that you'll never forget!

1. Tree/Forest As Seen From A Plane Flying High And Low.

Facts About Rainforests For Kids

It was recently reported that some fascinating facts about tree forests were released from NASA's research team during their work on Earth Observation using Boeing Airplane data from around the globe. Scientists used aircraft images to measure trees in various parts of the world for over 40 years. They observed what appeared to be 50 different types of tropical rainforests growing up into the sky. However, they also discovered something else entirely. Many species don't survive long because their soil is being covered with other plants. This makes sure there are plenty of nutrients but doesn't make the soil as fertile as it could. In the first place, this means that trees have adapted to living this way in order to take advantage of these nutrients, which also means that these forests are very rich, especially if trees are close together (or else people would eventually kill off one, and replace the others. But it might not be such a bad thing for both of them, because many trees are now growing back). But since trees aren't able to produce enough food for themselves anymore - which would put a huge strain on their forest - many rainforests around the world are now trying to find new ways to gain more food. One particular type of rainforest has been found to have the potential to release 100% of its carbon dioxide, allowing the trees to grow. Because of this discovery, the researchers think that this type of forest, called "Volta", may have the power to help save the global climate by taking out the majority of carbon from the air. Not only does it reduce greenhouse gases from causing the greenhouse effect but it can also allow trees to grow faster. These trees are still alive and thriving because they're not going to die.

2. Trees Can Grow Their Own Food All By Themselves.

Facts About Rainforests For Kids

This one fact about the world's biggest trees and forests is actually quite amazing. When the rainforest is taken away from them, trees can no longer use their own resources for making their lives more enjoyable. Instead, they need sunlight to live their life; so without the light. They are even told that once rain trees, they are forced to stop growing. Some trees can even grow into cocoons and form their own food. That kind of thing happens to animals in other forests but not humans. What's more, scientists say that once trees become extinct, they lose their ability to turn into crops like wheat. Therefore, the plants can't eat those crops, too. The same thing can happen with crops in other countries. If one country can no longer grow rice, then everything can't be grown. On the other hand, rainforests can keep on growing and can become more productive than before. They can develop, and become better at producing valuable products. To prove this, I got myself a book, which was written by a guy who studied forestry for decades, after he saw how rainforests turned out with less food. You can read it here on Amazon. Another observation was made on another topic: How do people who go through hard times often get back stronger than when they first came? Apparently, it's just thanks to the good luck!

3. Most Of The Water In The Forest Is Created From Our Hands.

Facts About Rainforests For Kids
Water is essential for plants and everyone needs water, right? Unfortunately, however, this statement is absolutely false, particularly in rainforests. Here's why water and rainforest are very different. Firstly, the rainforest only has 5 times as much water as it would be enough for our home. So we can easily see how we can use a few water bottles to share water between friends, family members, and neighbors who don't have a green thumb like us (at least our children, I guess). Nowadays, rainforests are almost always surrounded by oceans and lakes. This means that the rainforest is a really important habitat. Water is vital for it also. We know that people who use water bottles and other devices that can save water somehow are getting back stronger because they have a lot more to drink. This was proven by a study that took place by the University of Exeter. After they collected 30 years' worth of data to look at rainforests for over 600 years, they came to the conclusion that people who had to use water bottles every day had suffered significantly more fractures in their bodies than people who didn't have to. People in the United Kingdom were the worst affected. The results showed that the people who used water bottles saw a significant increase in bone fractures over their lifetime, compared to the people who did not use any device. So, it really depends on us. What are your choices about drinking water? Does the amount of rainforest affect your health? Let me know so we can talk about something truly awesome!

4. More Than 90% Of The World Is An Evergreen Tropical Rainforest.

Facts About Rainforests For Kids

In terms of forests, not all rainforests are evergreen ones. There are so many different kinds of forests around the planet, which is an incredibly complicated matter. Some are extremely tropical while others are surprisingly nice to wander in. Almost the same percentage of rainforests are among the last three most active ecosystems on the earth. Thus, there are certain areas where people could find a peaceful atmosphere for themselves or their pets: A rainforest in the middle of the savannah. According to experts, an enormous majority of the rainforest is destroyed due to deforestation. They are saying that around 85% of the entire ecosystem is set to disappear within the next 30 years. They predict that 1 percent of trees will die from the actions that people are doing nowadays, which leads to an incredible loss of biodiversity. At the moment, the remaining 10% make up only 0.01% of trees on the earth. Due to all this, it's safe to say that there might not be much hope left for saving our ancient trees and forests.

5. The Number Of Rainforests Around The World Has Increased Over Time.

Facts About Rainforests For Kids

Even though there are certain areas of the planet where rainforests are currently cut down, there is still a large group of them that are untouched forests, which means that they have lasted longer and survived a while longer. In fact, they are already one of the greatest sources of oxygen in the entire world. They even play a role in maintaining the ozone layer, according to studies. Since the number of rainforests around the world is high, it's easy to see why the importance of forests and their existence is increasing. Scientists believe that the size of rainforests has increased drastically over time. Once you start noticing a bunch of tropical forests standing a couple hundred meters apart, you'll probably notice how big they are. In short, if you look around the world, even with all the suffering happening to us these days - because of deforestation and industrialization - you'll see how big trees are.

6. Millions Of Years Younger.

Facts About Rainforests For Kids

In one of the latest discoveries of science, scientists discovered that approximately 5 million years ago, trees only grew a few inches taller than they are now. Only a millimeter or two taller. Yet, they also discovered a whole different side to it. They noticed that around 60-70 years ago, the trees and the vegetation started growing in all directions. Then they figured out that it was an evolutionary process and went further on to say that it went through four phases. During the second phase, trees were allowed to spread their branches outwards. Moreover, they also continued having a healthy environment, which made the trees feel comfortable around the place where they grew up. But after the fourth phase, which started during the last 500,000 years, they stopped growing. This means that trees of that age only saw one stage. No more growth. Yes, plants and trees can continue existing as long as they grow older. They're all connected to the Earth.

7. Trees Are Still Alive Today.

Facts About Rainforests For Kids

Since the beginning of human history, we've seen a surprising amount of life in trees. Most of us think that trees are dead right now. However, some trees are still alive. For instance, we can go for the largest and strongest ones, not necessarily ones that are old. Though not all have yet died out completely. Trees still grow, for example. Despite all the efforts made to remove them from the Earth and protect nature, trees are still alive and prospering. But the reason why forests are alive is simple. They're giving us oxygen and water. Nature must function in order for the survival of living creatures. Nevertheless, it's also true that we can survive without plants or trees, for example. We can live without them either. So, maybe the question of whether we should stay alive, or not, just depends on the opinion of the author. Besides, scientists continue working on a project called Plantaeo Earth Project. They want to create something similar to plants, which will allow us to travel the entire Earth with one breath. Imagine that! But they will not be as heavy and they will be placed right inside the heart of the human body with this system. The goal of the planter Earth project is to create wearable technology, which will be able to monitor the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. Alongside this is the possibility that their body will soon be able not to tolerate CO2. Humans could also get involved (or watch from afar, like how elephants usually show their affection for each other and play).

I hope you liked These amazing Facts About Rainforests For Kids!

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